Today in history 4/21/2017


Today in history, Traditional date of the foundation of Rome in 753 BC.

Today in historyMarcus Antonius is defeated by Octavian near Modena, Italy in 43 BC.

Today in history, Mongol Emperor Babur annihilates the Indian Army of Ibrahim Lodi in 1526.

Today in history, The Maryland Toleration Act is passed, allowing all people freedom of worship in 1649.

Today in historyWilliam III and Mary II (see picture below) are crowned joint king and queen of England, Scotland and Ireland in 1689.

Today in history, General Sam Houston (see picture below) defeats Santa Anna at the Battle of San Jacinto. Texas wins independence from Mexico in 1836.

Today in history, Congress establishes the U.S. Mint in 1862.

Today in history, Bill Carlisle (see picture below), the infamous ‘last train robber,’ robs a train in Hanna, Wyoming in 1916.

Today in history, Brasilia becomes the capital of Brazil in 1960.

Today in history, The French army revolts in Algeria in 1961.

Today in history, Pfc. Milton Lee Olive is awarded the Medal of Honor, posthumously, for bravery during the Vietnam War in 1966.

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