Today in history 10/11/2020


Today in history, The Catholics defeat the Protestants at Kappel during Switzerland’s second civil war in 1531.

Today in history, Charles V of Milan puts his son Philip in control in 1540.

Today in history, George II of England crowned in 1727.

Today in history, In graditude for putting down a rebellion in the streets of Paris, France’s National Convention appoints Napoleon Bonaparte (see picture below) second in command of the Army of the Interior in 1795.

Today in history, Outlaw Wild Bill Longley, who killed at least a dozen men, is hanged, but it took two tries; on the first try, the rope slipped and his knees drug the ground in 1877.

Today in history, South African Boers, settler from the Netherlands, declare war on Great Britain in 1899.

Today in history, In the Battle of Cape Esperance, near the Solomon Islands, U.S. cruisers and destroyers decisively defeat a Japanese task force in a night surface encounter in 1942.

Today in history, Negotiations between Nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shek and Communist leader Mao Tse-tung break down in 1945. Nationalist and Communist troops are soon engaged in a civil war.

Today in history, The Federal Communications Commission authorizes the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) to begin commercial color TV broadcasts in 1950.

Today in history, Astronaut Kathryn D. Sullivan (see picture below), part of the crew of Space Shuttle Challenger, becomes the first American woman to walk in space in 1984.

Today in history 1/28/2020

Today in history, The Roman Emperor Nerva names Trajan, an army general, as his successor in 0028.

Today in history, Henry VIII of England dies and is succeeded by his nine-year-old son Edward VI in 1547.

Today in history, Ahmed Shah, the first King of Afghanistan, occupies Delhi and annexes the Punjab in 1757.

Today in history, Surrounded by Prussian troops and suffering from famine, the French army in Paris surrenders. During the siege, balloons were used to keep contact with the outside world in 1871.

Today in history, The German navy attacks the U.S. freighter William P. Frye, loaded with wheat for Britain in 1915.

Today in history, The U.S. Coast Guard is founded to fight contraband trade and aid distressed vessels at sea in 1915.

Today in history, Albert Einstein startles Berlin by suggesting the possibility of measuring the universe in 1921.

Today in history, The Japanese attack Shanghai, China, and declare martial law in 1932.

Today in history, French General Charles DeGaulle‘s Free French forces sack south Libya oasis in 1941.

Today in history, Chiang Kai-shek renames the Ledo-Burma Road the Stilwell Road, in honor of General Joseph Stilwell in 1945.

Today in history, The U.S. Congress passes a bill allowing mobilization of troops if China should attack Taiwan in 1955.

Today in history, The space shuttle Challenger explodes just after liftoff in 1986.